Gramática Ativa 1 e 2 – versão brasileira

Caro professor Lamartine Bião,

Espero que se encontre bem.

Conforme a sua solicitação junto envio o texto em inglês que descreve a Gramatica Ativa 1 e 2, versão brasileira no nosso catálogo de 2016.

“GRAMÁTICA ATIVA – VERSÃO BRASILEIRA is designed for the teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) and Portuguese as a Second Language (PL2) to people who need to communicate in Brazilian Portuguese. It is a valuable resource both for independent learners and teachers of PFL. It contains clear explanations and practice of the main structures at elementary and pre-intermediate levels – GRAMÁTICA ATIVA 1 – and intermediate and advanced levels – GRAMÁTICA ATIVA 2.

GRAMÁTICA ATIVA – VERSÃO BRASILEIRA is not intended as a course book for PFL/PL2. Rather, it is supplementary material for use at home or in the classroom. As such it should not be worked through from beginning to end following the order of the units. The units studied should be selected depending on the individual student’s difficulties.

The two volumes in this series are divided into units with explanations and examples on the left-hand page – illustrated for better understanding of the situations in which they are used – and exercises on the right-hand page for intensive training of meaning, application and sentence construction in the structures covered. At the end of each book there are grammatical appendices and the key to the exercises. Each volume also includes three audio CDs containing recordings of the exercises and their solutions, with the aim of developing autonomy in performing the activities and evaluating the results.”


Aproveito também a oportunidade para lhe enviar a versão digital do catálogo. Para o abrir bastará clicar na imagem abaixo.

Sempre ao dispor para o que for pertinente.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,